
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

广州已监测PM2.5从未公布 超标14倍已影响健康

广州已监测PM2.5从未公布 超标14倍已影响健康 "早晨起来,江边都是大雾,花城变雾城。远看小蛮腰塔,根本看不见,真是'雾里看花'啊。"家住广州海印桥南的陈老伯告诉记者, 最近一段时间在滨江路锻炼时, 自己鼻子一直不舒服。"鼻子痒痒的,老是要挠,这种灰霾天气尤其是 ... 广州已监测PM2.5从未公布 超标14倍已影响健康

林心如大方 陈坤抠门

林心如大方 陈坤抠门 一线明星的丰厚收入让很多人觉得,在明星身边的工作人员也一定收入不菲。不过,前天有人在网上爆料,称明星工作室员工的薪资待遇非常低。事实真的如此吗? 爆料者称,一般明星工作室员工的月薪大多在2000元至4000元之 ... 林心如大方 陈坤抠门


北京市人大建议研究论证重建圆明园 昨天,市人大教科文卫体委员会就加强国家文化中心建设提出九大建议,其中有关研究论证恢复重建圆明园的建议颇为引人注目。 市人大教科文卫体委员会建议,当前要在加强对"物"的保护同时,更注重对"文"的保护,提高文物 ... 北京市人大建议研究论证重建圆明园

Demi Moore files for divorce; Ashton Kutcher responds on Twitter

Demi Moore files for divorce; Ashton Kutcher responds on Twitter Demi Moore has filed for divorce from Ashton Kutcher, the 49-year-old actress said Thursday in a statement. "It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I have decided to end my six-year marriage to Ashton," Moore said. "As a woman, a mother and a ... Demi Moore files for divorce; Ashton Kutcher responds on Twitter

Long Run set for clash with Kauto Star in Betfair Chase at Haydock

Long Run set for clash with Kauto Star in Betfair Chase at HaydockLong Run set for clash with Kauto Star in Betfair Chase at Haydock A high-class field of six, including the Gold Cup winners Long Run and Kauto Star, will go to post for the Grade One Betfair Chase at Haydock Park , a race that could conceivably see any runner bar the 66-1 outsider Pure Faith emerge as the new Gold ... Long Run set for clash with Kauto Star in Betfair Chase at Haydock

财报突现多年其他应收款 新华锦涉嫌虚假记载

财报突现多年其他应收款 新华锦涉嫌虚假记载 11月7日,新华锦(600735.SH)发布了重大资产出售及发行股份购买资产暨关联交易预案。 11月7日、9日,中国资本证券网先后撰写题为《新华锦:定增存突击入股 置入资产1月增值16倍》及《新华锦重组再现突击入股 涉嫌输送利益 ... 财报突现多年其他应收款 新华锦涉嫌虚假记载

Niners QB Smith: Contract talks can wait until offseason

Niners QB Smith: Contract talks can wait until offseason By Alex Smith is in the midst of the best season of his seven-year career, leading the San Francisco 49ers to an 8-1 record. Smith also is playing under a one-year contract he signed after the lockout. Those two factors might lead one to ... Niners QB Smith: Contract talks can wait until offseason

الاحتلال يقتحم منزل أسيرة محررة

الاحتلال يقتحم منزل أسيرة محررةالاحتلال يقتحم منزل أسيرة محررة اقتحمت قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلية فجر اليوم الخميس منزل الأسيرة المحررة دعاء الجيوسي في مدينة طولكرم شمال الضفة الغربية، وهددتها بالقتل وتوعدتها "بحساب مفتوح". ووصفت الجيوسي -التي خرجت قبل شهر من السجون الإسرائيلية ضمن صفقة تبادل الأسرى مع حركة المقاومة ... الاحتلال يقتحم منزل أسيرة محررة

Jharkhand CM Arjun Munda fears political rivalry behind nun's killing

Jharkhand CM Arjun Munda fears political rivalry behind nun's killing Probing into the killing of Sister Valsa John the Jharkhand Police has detained three people for questioning. The nun was hacked to death in her rented house in Pakur district on Tuesday night. After the murder, the killers had left some Maoist posters ... Jharkhand CM Arjun Munda fears political rivalry behind nun's killing

Monti acude al Senado con sus planes de reforma

Monti acude al Senado con sus planes de reforma ROMA (Reuters) - El primer ministro italiano, Mario Monti, presenta el jueves las medidas de austeridad con las que pretende recuperar la confianza en las dañadas finanzas públicas del país en una intervención ante el Senado tras la cual se someterá a ... Monti acude al Senado con sus planes de reforma

Obama wraps up trip with nod to troops

Obama wraps up trip with nod to troops United States president Barack Obama has wrapped up his trip Down Under by thanking Australian and US troops for their sacrifices and contributions to the ANZUS alliance. Touching down in Darwin, the president first visited the USS Peary ... Obama wraps up trip with nod to troops

Tirada en la cantera

Tirada en la cantera Salía del bar para atender una llamada, sólo un momento. Pero lo que iba a durar un instante no terminó nunca. Desaparecida desde la noche del viernes en Collado Villalba, Avellaneda Núñez Chevalier, de 17 años, fue encontrada ayer muerta en un paraje ... Tirada en la cantera

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