
Friday, October 28, 2011


年满17周岁未满18周岁公民可服兵役 据新华社北京10月29日电 十一届全国人大常委会第二十三次会议29日表决通过了《全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于修改〈中华人民共和国兵役法〉的决定》。 修改后的兵役法规定,根据军队需要和本人自愿,可以征集当年12月 ... 年满17周岁未满18周岁公民可服兵役

Intensifican campaña para segunda vuelta presidencial en Guatemala

Intensifican campaña para segunda vuelta presidencial en Guatemala Los dos candidatos guatemaltecos, los derechistas Otto Pérez y Manuel Baldizón, intensifican sus campañas electorales este fin de semana en sus principales bastiones del interior del país, a una semana de la segunda ronda presidencial del 6 de ... Intensifican campaña para segunda vuelta presidencial en Guatemala

Xiao Tian visited China Cup tournament to encourage accomplishing the Tour de France a hundred years

Xiao Tian visited China Cup tournament to encourage accomplishing the Tour de France a hundred years RUTHERFORD, Shenzhen, October 29 (Reporter Lvchang Wei (microblogging)) 29, the China Cup in the next day before the official opening event, Xiao Tian, ​​deputy director of the State Sports General Administration of sea sports base in Shenzhen, which he Following last year's visit China Cup, again at the China Cup International Regatta site. ...Xiao Tian visited China Cup tournament to encourage accomplishing the Tour de France a hundred years

Unterhaching fertigt Wehen Wiesbaden ab

Unterhaching fertigt Wehen Wiesbaden ab Unterhaching (dpa) - Die SpVgg Unterhaching hat in der 3. Fußball-Liga den SV Wehen Wiesbaden mit 5:1 (4:1) deklassiert. Vor 1450 Zuschauern sorgte Emmanuel Krontiris (13.) schon zeitig für Hachings Führung. Roland Sternisko (28.) und Marcel Avdic (31. ... Unterhaching fertigt Wehen Wiesbaden ab

Buena's first consecutive victories mares to "spice" Award emperor /

Buena's first consecutive victories mares to "spice" Award emperor / Buena Vista's first emperor takes a prize mare consecutive fall (5 female, Hiroshi Matsuda) 東京競馬場 arrived at 4:00 pm before the 29th. Arrived in Tokyo with an air of relaxed throughout, and loosened the body pulling exercise for 30 minutes around the stables. Yamaguchi stabler "Since we have arrived not quite like that tangy than in Ritto time.Buena's first consecutive victories mares to "spice" Award emperor /

Thai PM says floods to ease as river defences hold

Thai PM says floods to ease as river defences hold Thai: Floods engulfing parts of the Thai capital should start to recede soon, the prime minister said Saturday after barriers along Bangkok's swollen main river prevented a disastrous overflow. The city of 12 million people was on heightened alert ... Thai PM says floods to ease as river defences hold

Held in Heping District, special recruitment employment for the disabled

Held in Heping District, special recruitment employment for the disabled Tianjin 北方网 News: To solve the employment of the disabled, yesterday morning, held a peaceful area entitled "Strengthening the vocational training of persons with disabilities, to promote employment of disabled persons," the special recruitment from a zone of peace over a hundred people with disabilities to participate in more than 40 people on the spot with the intention of the employer reach employment. ...Held in Heping District, special recruitment employment for the disabled

两艘巴拿马籍货轮青岛相撞 1人死亡10人失踪

两艘巴拿马籍货轮青岛相撞 1人死亡10人失踪 中新社青岛10月29日电 (修建华 李英)记者29日从青岛海上搜救中心获悉,两艘外籍货轮28日傍晚在青岛海域相撞,造成一轮沉没。沉没货轮上19名船员全部落水。截至目前,已有9人获救,其中3名受伤人员已送往当地医院治疗 ... 两艘巴拿马籍货轮青岛相撞 1人死亡10人失踪

青睐古城太原 港澳台游客同比增逾两成

青睐古城太原 港澳台游客同比增逾两成 山西太原市旅游局28日发布消息称,今年1至9月太原市旅游外汇收入16696.36万美元。其中港澳台同胞旅游消费占旅游外汇收入的36.76%。 拥有晋商文化以及永祚双塔寺、晋祠、王氏祖祠等名胜古迹的太原,吸引着越来越多的海 ... 青睐古城太原 港澳台游客同比增逾两成

The first two sides and the Hong Kong "Economic Daily" Financial Forum held in Beijing Li sent a congratulatory message

The first two sides and the Hong Kong "Economic Daily" Financial Forum held in Beijing Li sent a congratulatory message ) And Hong Kong's first cross-strait "Economic Daily" Financial Forum 28 in Great Hall. Li Changchun, Politburo Standing Committee sent a congratulatory message, he hopes the two sides and the Hong Kong participants insight in-depth exchanges, positive suggestions for the further deepening of the three economic and trade cooperation, promote common development and prosperity to contribute. CPC Central Committee, Vice Premier Wang Qishan ...The first two sides and the Hong Kong "Economic Daily" Financial Forum held in Beijing Li sent a congratulatory message

政策微调为铁路融资解渴 发展高铁大方向并不错

政策微调为铁路融资解渴 发展高铁大方向并不错 铁道部10月26日招标发行2011年第二期中国铁路建设债券,其中7年期品种的中标利率为4.93%,认购倍数高达16.8倍。 较本月中旬发行的第一期铁路建设债券7年期品种5.59%的中标利率和2.84倍的认购倍数,融资环境进一步好 ... 政策微调为铁路融资解渴 发展高铁大方向并不错

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