
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Dos estadounidenses ganan Nobel de Economía por investigación en macroeconomía

Dos estadounidenses ganan Nobel de Economía por investigación en macroeconomía El Nobel de Economía 2011 premió este domingo a los estadounidenses Thomas J. Sargent y Christopher A. Sims por sus trabajos para identificar las relaciones causa-efecto en macroeconomía y explicar el rol de las expectaciones en ese proceso. ... Dos estadounidenses ganan Nobel de Economía por investigación en macroeconomía

فتح طريق السويس القاهرة الصحراوي بعد قطعه من قبل محتجين

فتح طريق السويس القاهرة الصحراوي بعد قطعه من قبل محتجين تمكنت قوات الجيش الثالث من إعادة فتح طريق السويس - القاهرة الصحراوي ، وذلك بعد قيام عمال ومديرين بشركة مصر - إيران للغزل والنسيج بقطع الطريق ، وهو الأمر الذي تسبب في تكدس عشرات السيارات بالطريق. واتهم أيمن خضير ، أحد عمال الشركة مديري الشركة وتابعين ... فتح طريق السويس القاهرة الصحراوي بعد قطعه من قبل محتجين

Korea Grand Prix 2011: Vitaly Petrov apologises to Michael Schumacher

Korea Grand Prix 2011: Vitaly Petrov apologises to Michael Schumacher By Sportsmail Reporter Vitaly Petrov has apologised to Michael Schumacher for wrecking the seven-time world champion's Korean Grand Prix. Petrov has been given a five-place grid penalty for the next race in India after wiping out the back end of ... Korea Grand Prix 2011: Vitaly Petrov apologises to Michael Schumacher

Rugby World Cup 2011: New Zealand beat Australia to take final place

Rugby World Cup 2011: New Zealand beat Australia to take final place Ma'a Nonu tries to control the ball for New Zealand against Australia in the World Cup semi-final at Eden Park. Photograph: Mike Hewitt/Getty Images The All Blacks started at an elegant gallop and finished by working their way into the final of the ... Rugby World Cup 2011: New Zealand beat Australia to take final place

Gun fans: We need to kill the cat to avoid falling into the abyss

Gun fans: We need to kill the cat to avoid falling into the abyss Premier League renewed fighting, together with the European Union and the League Cup, including the next three weeks but also experienced the game every three days will be a close race, the mentality of some fans like me a bit "harsh" in the game when the total rolling come quickly to the international tournament week, but living in fourteen days during the truce, they always want to hurry up with the team with the Killing Fields. Hard to leave such a feeling of regret, a bit like the girl with the ...Gun fans: We need to kill the cat to avoid falling into the abyss

Stoner se proclama en Australia campeón mundial de MotoGP

Stoner se proclama en Australia campeón mundial de MotoGP El australiano Casey Stoner (Honda) se proclamó campeón del mundo de MotoGP por segunda vez en su carrera, con una victoria en el Gran Premio de Australia de motociclismo, este domingo en el circuito de Phillip Island, ante sus compatriotas. ... Stoner se proclama en Australia campeón mundial de MotoGP

Euro exchange rates rose by 0.64% week

Euro exchange rates rose by 0.64% week (Central News Agency correspondent is high Fen Taipei 16 (Xinhua)) last week, the euro zone debt crisis gradually build solutions for the European consensus, driven by non-US currencies go Yang, most of the appreciation of Asian currencies; NT dollar exchange rate appreciation of 0.64 percent last week, to close at 30.300 yuan NT dollar. According to Bloomberg (Bloomberg) GMT at 17:30 on October 14 about the international exchange rate, the currency in 10 countries in Asia, in addition to ...Euro exchange rates rose by 0.64% week

方力申为女友邓丽欣庆生隔空送礼 钟镇涛捧场

方力申为女友邓丽欣庆生隔空送礼 钟镇涛捧场 邓丽欣在电影《公主的诱惑》片场庆生,钟镇涛到场祝贺。记者张伟摄 《公主的诱惑》正在热拍。昨天,主演邓丽欣举办28岁生日会,该片投资方海润影业送上了签约海润演艺经纪的大礼包。 邓丽欣男友方力申虽然人在哈尔滨拍戏无 ... 方力申为女友邓丽欣庆生隔空送礼 钟镇涛捧场

[TD영상] '아시아송페스티벌' 소녀시대, '대구 오빠들 만나러 왔어요'

[TD영상] '아시아송페스티벌' 소녀시대, '대구 오빠들 만나러 왔어요' [대구=티브이데일리 김진경 기자/영상 정선욱 PD] 15일 오후 6시 대구스타디움에서는 올해 8회째를 맞은 아시아 최대 음악축제 '2011 아시아송페스티벌'이 열렸다. 이날 '2011 아시아송페스티벌'에는 슈퍼주니어, 소녀시대, 이승기, 비스트, 지나, 퍼퓸(일본), ... [TD영상] '아시아송페스티벌' 소녀시대, '대구 오빠들 만나러 왔어요'

Busan 'research and development (R & D) Center full operation next year

Busan 'research and development (R & D) Center full operation next year Busan [Pusan] = nojuseopgija consumer (business) area of ​​the center teukhwasaeop planning, to identify 'research and development (R & D) Strategy Center, installing, operating to full from next year said that 16 days. Currently the government's share of regional R & D investment in capital and War, 70.7 percent supported the government's overall R & D expenses.Busan 'research and development (R & D) Center full operation next year


七旬阿婆1000元赠两困难户 【摘要】: "这是很简单的一件事,不用太在意。"10月9日,"爱心档案"报道了身患红斑狼疮的陈姐(NO.1333)希望为儿子治疗过敏性鼻炎;以及年仅18岁,患上鼻咽癌的小黄(NO.1335)急需补充营养的事情。家住番禺,年过七旬 "这是 ... 七旬阿婆1000元赠两困难户

Leopoldo López inicia gira por “la mejor Venezuela”

Leopoldo López inicia gira por Leopoldo López, precandidato presidencial por el partido Voluntad Popular, inició hoy en Zulia su gira por varios estados para dar a conocer su propuesta de gobierno bajo el lema de "La mejor Venezuela" y con la promesa de construir un país de igualdad ... Leopoldo López inicia gira por "la mejor Venezuela"

Selina third bridesmaid best man wedding photos exposed group Announced

Selina third bridesmaid best man wedding photos exposed group Announced Selina wedding countdown, Selina and then share the latest set of wedding photos to you, Lin Li Selina teacher selected for NT $ two hundred and twenty thousand yuan of total blue-gray dress, the upper body to the wind with a classical palace Swarovski diamond arrangement, adding a sense of gorgeous, Lin Li a teacher said: "The design of the skirt at the splicing budding ...Selina third bridesmaid best man wedding photos exposed group Announced

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