
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Latin Americans grade Obama high, Castro low

Latin Americans grade Obama high, Castro low SANTIAGO, Chile—Latin Americans give US President Barack Obama the highest approval rating for any leader in the region. Obama is rated 6.3 on a scale of one to 10 in the survey conducted by the Chile-based Latinobarometro polling organization. ... Latin Americans grade Obama high, Castro low

Manufacturing "yellow-blue light" stabilization electronics

Manufacturing "yellow-blue light" stabilization electronics Taiwan Institute of Economic Research announced yesterday, the manufacturing boom in September showed the sixth consecutive signals representative of pieces of yellow-blue light of economic slowdown, recession scores fell close to the threshold of blue light, show fear of further slowing domestic economy. Taiwan Institute, said in September estimated that Taiwan's overall manufacturing boom signal is 9.94 points, 10.18 points higher than in August decreased 0.24 points, nine points below if the future, light will be representative of the economy into recession ...Manufacturing "yellow-blue light" stabilization electronics

Acciones de La Polar cayeron más de 10% tras reportar fuertes pérdidas

Acciones de La Polar cayeron más de 10% tras reportar fuertes pérdidas Las acciones de Empresas La Polar retrocedieron más de un 10% este viernes en la Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago luego que ayer tras el cierre del mercado la firma entregara el informe de sus estados financieros al 31 de julio. ... Acciones de La Polar cayeron más de 10% tras reportar fuertes pérdidas

Chinglish Broadway premiere of David Henry Hwang Chinese English sensation

Chinglish Broadway premiere of David Henry Hwang Chinese English sensation "Chinese English" of the audience, waiting in line at the theater door approach. (Correspondent Jane Kazuo / photography) won the Tony Award for best screenplay of the Chinese playwright David Henry Hwang (David Henry Hwang), Obie Award (Obie) winner director seats Buddha Man (Leigh Silverman) joint cooperation of the Broadway comedy "Chinese English" (Chinglish), 27 Broadway in New York the evening of Lang Aike ...Chinglish Broadway premiere of David Henry Hwang Chinese English sensation

In pictures

In pictures St. Louis Cardinals third baseman David Freese was the hero twice over in Game Six of the World Series. But the night started with a couple of contenders for the blooper reel, like this failed attempt at catching a foul ball. Routine infield fly ball, ... In pictures

Fire crews free would-be burglar in Brighton

Fire crews free would-be burglar in Brighton A suspected burglar in Brighton had to be freed by fire crews after he became stuck on a rooftop while trying to flee police. Officers were called to reports of two men acting suspiciously in car parks in Rock Place at about 03.15 BST. ... Fire crews free would-be burglar in Brighton

Wang's four-bedroom property has been foreclosed on

Wang's four-bedroom property has been foreclosed on Celebrity real estate has been foreclosed on and one. Formosa Plastics Group founder Wang Chuan for the four house female Luo Wenyuan, which is located Linsen North Road, No. 60, Lane 85 two-storey Toutian Cuo, the Taipei District Court has announced the first auction, the reserve price of NT 57 million yuan. 28 Central News Agency reported that the auction is expected to November 25, awarding and opening of tenders. Taiwan houses that, according to the transcript shows, Luo Wenyuan Linsen North Road, located in the ...Wang's four-bedroom property has been foreclosed on

"黄金奔驰"迎娶新娘 南京街头惊鸿一瞥

"黄金奔驰"迎娶新娘 南京街头惊鸿一瞥 南京街头一辆奢华黄金奔驰婚车非常惹眼,花费200万全车贴满了金箔,金光闪烁,非常拉风。该婚车型号是奔驰S350,难怪网友质疑是富二代在炫富,堪比郭美美,可新郎一再表示,自己并不是网传的富二代,只是家底殷实。认为结 ... "黄金奔驰"迎娶新娘 南京街头惊鸿一瞥


文化強省建設的"山東路徑"--新華網記者山東5市調研行 山東是全國較早提出經濟文化強省建設目標的省份,在文化發展謀篇布局中走在全國前列。記者日前走訪山東濟南、泰安、臨沂、濰坊和青島5座城市,實地體驗了山東深厚的歷史積淀和豐富的文化形態,近距離觀察了山東各地以文化建設推動經濟繁榮、探索經濟增長方式的新路徑。 ...文化強省建設的"山東路徑"--新華網記者山東5市調研行

两市大幅高开 沪指早盘大涨

两市大幅高开 沪指早盘大涨 10月28日,沪深两市大幅高开逾1%。上证指数开报2462.08点,上涨26.47点,涨幅1.09%,成交8.36亿元;深证成指开报10476.64点,上涨153.35点,涨幅1.49%,成交7.95亿元;中小板指数开报5090.39点,上涨56.20点,涨幅1.12%,成交 ... 两市大幅高开 沪指早盘大涨

上海试点增值税改革 交运公司齐涨停

上海试点增值税改革 交运公司齐涨停 分析人士指出,这一改革将改变服务业因征收营业税带来的税负过重和重复征收的问题,为企业减轻税负压力,也意味着以交通运输业为首的现代服务业有望进入全面减税时代。 国务院常务会议昨日决定,从2012年1月1日起,在 ... 上海试点增值税改革 交运公司齐涨停

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